Leadership Coaching

1:1 Leadership Coaching

This program is designed to empower you to become the leader you aspire to be and uphold your values. It is not solely focused on the processes of leadership, but on the human aspect.

Throughout this program, you will adopt a leadership mindset and receive the tools that I have successfully employed to motivate over 3000 employees, leading them from disinterested to high-performing individuals.

The Leadership Coaching Program is a comprehensive coaching program designed to help you – as a leader – develop and enhance your leadership skills. The program is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals and provides one-on-one coaching sessions with an experienced leadership coach.

The coaching sessions cover a range of topics, including leadership styles, communication skills, team management, conflict resolution, and goal setting. The sessions are interactive and provide you with practical tools and strategies that you can apply  to your leadership role. The sessions are based on our LSC model (Leadership Circle ) that considers all levels of you as a leader and as a whole person.


In addition to one-on-one coaching sessions, the program may also include group sessions, feedback from colleagues and

subordinates, and developmental activities. The program is designed to be flexible and can be adjusted based on the

your  progress and changing needs.

Throughout the program, the coach provides ongoing support  and feedback to help you develop and enhance your leadership skills. The program is conducted over a period that allows  sufficient time for you to apply the skills and strategies  you have learned and to make sustainable changes in your leadership style.

By the end of the program, you will have a greater understanding of your leadership values, strengths and weaknesses and have a range of practical tools and strategies you can use to enhance your leadership effectiveness. Tools that have been proven effective, with a track record of success among over 3.000+ individuals.

The program spans nine weeks, featuring nine (group) lectures that centers the LSC model and nine individual coaching sessions.

The content and benefits of the programs are:

  • Understand what you stand for and use it as your compass

  • Understand what it takes for you to perform highest level as a leader

  • Learn to work with: 1. Yourself, 2. Your team, 3. Your leader and peers

  • Coaching tools we have used to motivate 3000+ people

  • Tailor-made development plan with concrete actions for YOU so that you achieve success